Celebrating YOUR story at St Mary's

We want to hear about your stories of St. Mary's

What sort of stories do you want?

We want to learn about what your story is that involves St. Mary's. Did you get married here? Do you picnic in the grounds? We would also love to hear how you connect with God at St. Mary's as well.

Perhaps you have been a members at St. Mary's and can tell us about exciting things that have happened in the past. We want to hear them all.

How do I submit my story?

The best way to submit your story is by email. If you cannot send emails then you could type it up and give us a physical copy of you story. Or, if you would be willing we could film you telling your story.

Would you film it?

We want to help tell peoples stories. One of the best ways to do this is to film people telling their stories. So, if you would be willing to let us film your story then please let Revd Tom know.

When will we hear all these stories?

We are planning a celebration of St. Mary's and all the stories on January Sunday 29th 2023. We will be doing this with a party! There will be a bring and share lunch following the celebration service. Sharing our stories over food is a great way for us to get know each other more.